

图片来源:Kerry Wixted

The Nanticoke River is an ecological and cultural resource unparalleled along North America’s Mid Atlantic Coast and is the most pristine river in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. 这条河发源于今天的特拉华州中部, 穿过马里兰州东海岸,进入切萨皮克湾. 它是以最初在河上定居的美洲印第安部落命名的. The cultural and historical heritage of the watershed also encompasses a rich biodiversity that provides habitat for hundreds of globally rare, 威胁, 以及濒临灭绝的动植物物种. The ecological integrity of the watershed has resulted in international recognition as a RAMSAR designation of Wetland of International Importance, 全球重要鸟类区(IBA), as well as several North American designations of ecological significance including habitat for migratory waterfowl.

尽管南提寇克河具有公认的文化和生态意义, 发展的侵蚀, 海平面上升, 栖息地的退化, 碎裂继续威胁着这条河. 为了保护这些资源, 十大赌博正规老平台 brought together a team of partners including NGOs and 状态 and federal agencies to create a corridor of protected land that would retain the value of the existing resources and meet the long-term view of conserving 50% of the Chesapeake Bay watershed by 2050. The Nanticoke River watershed is celebrated as a global example of landscape scale conservation with 33% of the watershed protected from development.

十大赌博正规老平台协会一直是南蒂科克流域的领导者, 建立创新的公私伙伴关系,迄今已获得超过3亿美元,393,从Mt. 与州和联邦资金相匹配,以保护超过3人,这片流域内485英亩的土地. In addition to being a model for landscape scale conservation that moves the needle closer to protecting 50% of our land by the year 2050, these projects create much needed public access and compatible use recreation opportunities in communities that are lacking in these resources. 这不仅有助于通过旅游和娱乐机会促进当地经济, it also inspires our next generation of conservationists to protect the natural and cultural resources that exist in their back yards.

The Nanticoke has forged a network of unlikely partners that all have a common mission of conserving open space and resources throughout the watershed. 美国.S. Navy at Patuxent Naval Air Station is involved in Nanticoke conservation to support their need to ensure military readiness throughout the Atlantic Test Range. 美国.S. Department of Interior has helped protect habitat for 野生动物 at Blackwater National 野生动物 Refuge and other natural resources associated with it. 美国.S. 农业部通过保护和农业地役权来维护工作土地的遗产. Other 状态 agencies including 马里兰’s Department of Natural Resources and the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. In addition to NGOs of varying scope and scale have all invested a tremendous amount of resources and energy into the watershed, 认识到保护该地区最后的瑰宝之一的重要性. 到目前为止, 一个超过19个保护区的网络,今天,南蒂科克流域有300英亩的土地,合作伙伴继续在这一令人印象深刻的工作遗产的基础上继续建设.

图片来源:Peter Turcik
2016年,为苏塞克斯县南提科克野生动物区收购财产举行了庆祝活动. 从左到右:Jeff Downing, mount. 古巴中心; Chuck Hunt, superintendent, NPS Chesapeake Bay Office; U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-DE); Governor Jack Markell; Capt. 斯科特斯达克, Naval Air Station Patuxent River commanding officer; Kristin Thomasgard, REPI program director; DNREC Secretary David Small; Joel Dunn, 十大赌博正规老平台 president and CEO; Chief Dennis Coker, 德拉瓦人部落.


国防部副部长.国防部副部长. 凯萨琳H. 2021年4月22日,希克斯在马里兰州维也纳参观曼达拉派. (美国国防部图片.S. 空军上士. 布列塔尼的一个. 蔡斯凯瑟琳H. 2021年4月22日,希克斯在马里兰州维也纳参观南提科克河. (美国国防部图片.S. 空军上士. 布列塔尼的一个. 追逐)



在地球日51周年之际, 十大赌博正规老平台协会与许多重要的合作伙伴表示欢迎 国防部副部长凯瑟琳·希克斯说 在维也纳, 马里兰, 她参观了中切萨皮克哨兵景观,以强调哨兵景观的合作关系.


十大赌博正规老平台 continues to move forward several land protection projects in the Nanticoke River watershed helping to further the vision for the Nanticoke River Paddle trail through key acquisitions to create public access points along the river.


十大赌博正规老平台协会还保护了南提科克流域223英亩的农田. 保护协会还赠予西福德市一个小型城市公园, Delaware that will serve as a trailhead for a water trail connecting Delmarva residents to the Nanticoke River and the Chesapeake Bay.


十大赌博正规老平台协会筹集了1美元.5 million to protect an additional 533 acres of land farmland that will help preserve the rural character of the Sentinel Landscape and further the mission of the federal, 状态, 非营利性合作伙伴.


国防部(DoD)具有全国竞争力 REPI挑战赛获得了100万美元的奖金 to help conserve lands located within the newly designated Naval Air Station Patuxent River and Atlantic Test Ranges Sentinel Landscape in Southern 马里兰 and along the Nanticoke River.



农业部, 国防, and the Interior designated the Nanticoke River and its surrounding areas as the Middle Chesapeake Sentinel Landscape.


十大赌博正规老平台’s Nanticoke River proposal was awarded $1 million through the Department of 国防’s nationally competitive REPI Challenge to protect property along the Nanticoke to protect Naval Air Station Patuxent River readiness.

十大赌博正规老平台区处理了1米x1米, 南焦河流域高分辨率土地利用和土地覆被数据, 加强我们所有合作伙伴的决策选择.




在约翰·史密斯·切萨皮克小道建立之后,美国政府开始着手解决这一问题.S. 内政部, 特拉华州和马里兰州, 和十大赌博正规老平台协会签署了一项协议,共同保护南提科克河.



Fully immerse yourself in the pristine Nanticoke River and see many sights as Captain John Smith and the American Indians would have seen them over 400 years ago



的保护 supported the 马里兰 Department of Natural Resources’ acquisition of a small property along the Vienna waterfront. 该物业具有完成本地的独特地位, 状态, 以及通过加入维也纳绿地项目来实现联邦保护和娱乐的目标, 扩建维也纳滨河步道, 帮助保护附近米尔克里克自然遗产区的重要野生动物栖息地, 加强约翰·史密斯船长切萨皮克国家历史步道.


2012年,在大自然保护协会的支持下, DNREC获得了一个优先地块供公众使用 位于南提科克河上. 这个0.5英亩的包裹, 叫做伍德兰码头, is an ideal intermediate access point along the eight-mile water trail segment between Phillips Landing and the Town of 希弗德. 2019年5月,这个经过改进的公共访问场地盛大开幕, 设有一个带独木舟/皮艇发射的船码头, 加上新的钢制舱壁. 一个新的六车位停车场和带长凳和自行车耙的海岸线钓鱼通道完成了这个项目.


一个新项目于2018年在旧J.B. 沿着西福德河步道的罗宾逊牡蛎屋.

在Mt的支持下. 古巴中心, 十大赌博正规老平台, 总部设在安纳波利斯的非营利组织, MD, was able to purchase the nearly 1-acre parcel of waterfront land and donate it to the City of 希弗德 to become a small waterfront park with a kayak launch and other amenities. The City and 十大赌博正规老平台 partnering with the National Park Service Chesapeake Bay Office to facilitate public access to the river.


Plan your next adventure along the Nanticoke River with the 移动划船指南 to the John Smith Chesapeake Trail. 找到你可以下水的地方,了解这条河的地理, 历史, 野生动物, 以及在每个地区划船游览的最佳船只类型.


The 南焦环保机会分析师 helps organizations prioritize areas across the watershed that meet agreed upon “conservation criteria.一个控制面板允许用户在五个类别中指定他们的兴趣水平:历史/文化, 栖息地, 生态连接, 现有受保护土地, 而且要接近公众. 使用不同的值多次运行该工具, users can quickly understand how regional priorities change based on their preferences and which landscapes are continually determined to be high value.

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